Monday, January 3, 2011

A Walk I Will Always Remember...

                                       This is my eldest son LJ , He's now on 1st grade

 Today was the First Monday of 2010 so I had to wake up 4am to prepare for my eldest son for his class at 6am. But honestly how I wished that I wasn't up yet. Of course, some of you  might agree with me me on this note.We are still loving the the cool,christmas air trhat had started over the holidays. But who am I to complain? as a full-time mom that i am, this is no ordinary day! This is the "first" Monday of the year2011 so I guess it is just right to start the year right by waking up and walking my son to school. I love walking with my son to his school. This also one of our bonding moments together. This is the only time He gets our time alone. So whenever I walk with him i try to bond with him by talking with  him.

For me bonding with my kids is very important. Doing that means sharing myself to them. Knowing them really personal. My son is only 6years old and I think that at his age he still needs me . My son is shy at school and that's one thing that's stopping him from getting high grades. So everytime we walk , I try to talk to him, ask him what he does inside the classroom. But it made smile smile when he answered my question. He honestly told me that he made " kulit" ( read : naughtiness) inside the room. I'm glad at the same time though he does not excel like other children do is the fact that he's honest enough to tell me the truth. Being "Honest" is one of the foundations of  molding a child. I know one day, he'll bloomed and be brave enough to excel in class.

Now Mommies out there! Do you have other experiences raising your pre-school kid or toddler kid? Please feel free to share your insights , suggestions or tipson how how to guide pre-school children by leaving a comment in the comments section of this blog. Thanks and have a nice day all through out

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